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How to fill out msds application form

Date:2023-12-21 10:13:22 Classification :【question】 Visits:
MSDS stands for Chemical Safety Data Sheet, which can also be translated as Chemical Safety Technical Data Sheet or Chemical Safety Data Sheet. It is a document used by chemical manufacturers and importers to describe the chemical's physical and chemical properties and possible hazards to the health of users. MSDS includes the possible hazards that chemicals may cause to human health, such as carcinogenesis, teratogenicity, etc. It also includes the flammability and explosive properties, toxicity and environmental hazards of chemicals, as well as safe use, emergency leakage treatment, main physical and chemical parameters, Laws and regulations and other information.

The steps to fill in the MSDS application form are as follows:

1. Name of applicant: Fill in the English name of the applicant.

2. Applicant unit address: Fill in the English address of the applicant unit.

3. Exporting country or region: Fill in the English name of the exporting country or region.

4. Postal code: Fill in the postal code of the applicant.

5. Email: Fill in the email address of the applicant.

6. Telephone: Fill in the telephone number of the applicant.

7. Contact person: Fill in the name of the contact person of the applicant unit.

8. Mobile phone: Fill in the mobile phone number of the applicant.

9. Fax: Fill in the fax number of the applicant.

10. Product name: Fill in the English name of the product.

11. Model/Specification: Fill in the model or specification of the product.

12. Product description: Fill in a brief description of the product.

13. Brand name: Fill in the brand name of the product.

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