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What items are tested in California 65 for ceramic flowerpots?

Date:2024-01-11 10:37:29 Classification :【question】 Visits:
Ceramic flowerpots are pots used for cultivating flowers, plants and trees. They come in various styles and have a wide range of uses. Ceramic flowerpots exported to the United States require California 65 inspection. Products controlled by California Proposition 65 include jewelry, toys, electronic equipment, glass and ceramic products, textiles, food, drugs, agricultural pesticides, dyes, organic solvents, construction consumables, automobiles, cigarettes, or natural gas combustion. Chemical substances, etc.

Ceramic flowerpot California 65 testing project

1. Total lead content: California Proposition 65 stipulates that the lead content in children's toys and child care products shall not exceed 0.065%. Therefore, for ceramic flower pots, it is necessary to test whether their lead content meets the standards.

2. Total cadmium content: California Proposition 65 also stipulates the content limit of cadmium in children's toys and child care products. Ceramic flower pots also need to be tested for cadmium content.

3. Phthalate content: California Proposition 65 also limits the content of certain phthalates in children's toys and child care products. Ceramic flowerpots also need to be tested for this item.

California 65 testing process for ceramic flower pots

1. Collect samples: Randomly select ceramic flower pot samples from the production line or warehouse, usually 50-100 pieces.

2. Detection of harmful substances: In accordance with the requirements of California Proposition 65, samples are tested for harmful substances such as lead, cadmium and phthalates.

3. Data analysis: Perform statistical analysis on the test data to evaluate whether the content of these harmful substances meets the standards of California Proposition 65.

4. Risk assessment: Based on the test results and data, assess the potential health risks of ceramic flowerpot products to consumers.

5. Submit report: Submit the test report to customers or relevant agencies so that they can understand the potential harmful substance content in the product.

6. Take measures: If the test results show that the product contains harmful substances that exceed the standards, corresponding measures need to be taken, such as improving the production process, replacing raw materials, etc., to ensure that the product meets regulatory requirements.

Ceramic flowerpot California 65 inspection cycle

The California 65 inspection cycle for ceramic flowerpots is usually 5-7 working days

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