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What items should be tested in the EU REACH testing application?

Date:2024-01-24 09:57:56 Classification :【question】 Visits:
EU REACH testing is a regulation for evaluating and supervising the safety of chemical substances. It is one of the core contents of the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals Regulations (REACH) promulgated by the EU. The purpose of REACH testing is to ensure the safe use of chemical substances and to protect human health and the environment.

EU REACH testing application requires test items:

1. Physical and chemical property testing: including density, melting point, boiling point, solubility, vapor pressure, etc.

2. Toxicity testing: Test products on acute toxicity, chronic toxicity, corrosiveness, irritation, etc.

3. Environmental behavior testing: Evaluate the durability, stability, biodegradability, etc. of the product in the environment.

4. Ingredient analysis: Conduct detailed analysis and testing of each ingredient of the product to ensure that they comply with EU restrictions and standards.

5. Azo dye testing: Ensure that the product does not contain any carcinogenic or toxic azo dyes.

6. Heavy metal testing: Detect heavy metals in products to ensure that their content is within a safe range.

7. Organotin compound testing: Ensure that the product does not contain any organotin compounds to avoid harm to the environment and human health.

8. Phthalate testing: Test the phthalates in the product to ensure that its content is within a safe range.

9. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons testing: Test the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the product to ensure that its content is within a safe range.

10. Brominated flame retardant testing: Test the brominated flame retardants in the product to ensure that its content is within a safe range.

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