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What information do I need to provide to put a children’s inflatable swimming ri

Date:2024-03-22 10:12:11 Classification :【question】 Visits:
Children's inflatable swimming rings need to undergo CPC testing when sold on Amazon. Amazon CPC testing mainly ensures that the product meets relevant safety and quality standards. Especially for children's products, these tests are crucial.

To list children’s inflatable swimming rings on Amazon CPC, you need to provide information:

1. CPC certificate: This is a certificate issued based on the test results of a third-party testing laboratory recognized by the CPSC (Children's Product Safety Committee). The seller is responsible for issuing the CPC certificate, and third-party laboratories can provide services to assist in drafting the CPC certificate.

2. Product information: including the name and detailed description of the product, which is a necessary part of the CPC certificate.

3. Proof of compliance with regulations and standards: Proof that the product complies with all relevant safety rules and regulations is required, such as ASTM F963-17 (Toys and Games Standard) and CPSIA (Lead, Phthalates), etc.

4. Manufacturer information: including the name, address and phone number of the manufacturer. If it is a manufacturer or importer in the United States, this information also needs to be provided.

5. Contact information of the holder of the test result file: If it is not the manufacturer or seller, the name, address, email address and phone number of the holder are required.

6. Product production date and address: The production date needs to be specific to the year and month, and the address needs to be specific to the city.

7. Testing time and address or the test report on which the certificate is based: It is necessary to provide the time and address of product testing, or the complete test report on which the certificate is based.

8. Third-party testing agency information: including the name, address and contact number of the CPSC-accredited laboratory that conducts product testing.

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