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What information is required for msds authentication?

Date:2023-02-16 09:46:36 Classification :【question】 Visits:
What information is required for msds authentication? The full English name of SDS is Safety Data Sheet, which is a comprehensive document about the chemical composition information, physical and chemical parameters, flammability and explosion performance, toxicity, environmental hazards of lead, as well as the defense information such as safe use method, storage conditions, leakage emergency treatment, transportation regulations and requirements. It is also one of the information transmission carriers required by the EU REACH regulations.

When is SDS/MSDS required?

When the product meets one of the following conditions, the product supplier needs to edit the SDS and pass it down the supply chain to importers, downstream users and distributors:

1. When the substance or preparation is classified as dangerous goods according to Directive 67/548/EEC or 1999/45/EC, or although the preparation is not classified as dangerous goods, it contains a certain proportion of substances of high concern (SVHC *) or other dangerous components;

2. According to the criteria in Annex 13 of REACH Regulation, substances are persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic substances (PBT) or highly persistent, highly bioaccumulative substances (vPvB);

3. The substance is determined as SVHC for reasons other than the above conditions;

In addition, although the above conditions are not met, enterprises also need to pass SDS on their supply chain when importers voluntarily request to provide or when the same industry is more strict in the classification and labeling of substances.

*SVHC (Substance of Very High Concern) is a class of substances that cause great harm to human health and the environment and cause people's high concern, including the following categories:

1. Carcinogenic, mutagenic, and reproductive toxicity Category 1 and Category 2 substances (i.e. CMR1 and Category 2 substances);

2. PBT or vPvB substances;

3. Other endocrine disrupting substances.

Which substances need SDS?

a) Substances classified as dangerous goods or mixtures containing dangerous goods according to relevant regulations;

b) The substance or mixture is not classified as dangerous goods, but it contains a certain proportion of substances of high concern (SVHC *) or other dangerous components;

c) Substances judged as persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) or substances with high persistence and bioaccumulative (vPvB) according to corresponding standards;

d) If the product does not meet the above conditions, but the competent authority or importer requires it to be provided, or the same industry has more strict requirements on the classification and labeling of product substances, the enterprise also needs to transmit SDS on its supply chain.

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