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Who does the manufacturer or importer need to provide CPC children's product cer

Date:2023-03-16 09:09:35 Classification :【question】 Visits:
Who does the manufacturer or importer need to provide CPC children's product certificate to?

1. Who should be provided with children's product certificates?

If you are a manufacturer or importer, you must "provide" children's product certificates to your dealers and retailers. In addition, federal law requires you to provide CPSC and the Director of Customs with copies of children's product certificates as required.

If the manufacturer or importer provides its distributors and retailers with a reasonable way to obtain the certificate, the requirement of "meeting" CPC is satisfied. You can provide dealers and retailers with the actual hard copy of the certificate, or you can provide a special website with the specific certificate on the invoice.

2. Where do I need to submit a children's product certificate?

CPC must "accompany" the shipment of products and "distribute" them to distributors and retailers. Upon request, CPC must provide it to CPSC and the customs director.

3. Need to provide the consumer with CPC certificate for verification?

The manufacturer or importer is required by law to issue children's product certificates; The certificate shall accompany the shipment of each product or product; The certificate shall be provided to retailers and distributors; And provide certificates to CPSC upon request. Therefore, you do not have to provide certificates to consumers who sell directly to consumers.

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