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CPSC: What are the additional requirements for bedside sleepers under the Consum

Date:2023-06-13 10:02:07 Classification :【question】 Visits:

What is a headrest?

The bedside bed is a rigid frame component fixed to an adult bed, designed to provide a sleeping environment for infants.

The rigid frame component of the bedside bed can be combined with fabric, mesh components, or both, and used as the side, end, or floor (or a combination thereof) of the bedside bed.

CPSC: What are the additional requirements for bedside sleepers under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008?

Bedside sleepers must comply with the requirements for surface coating, lead and Phthalic acid content, testing and certification, registration cards and tracking labels.

1. The surface coating limits the use of paint with a lead content exceeding 90 ppm (0.009%) for spraying bedside sleepers.

2. Lead content limit: The total lead content in any accessible part of the bedside sleeper shall not exceed 100 ppm (0.01%).

3. Phthalate content limit: the plasticized parts of bedside sleepers shall not contain more than 0.1% of the following eight designated Phthalate: di (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalic acid (DEHP), Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) or Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), diiononyl Phthalate (DINP), Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP), di-n-pentyl Phthalic acid (DPENP) Dihexyl Phthalic acid (DHEXP) and dicyclohexyl Phthalic acid (DCHP).

4. Testing and Certification: Like all products designed or used primarily for children aged 12 or below, bed headrests must be tested by a third-party laboratory recognized by CPSC to ensure compliance with bed headrest standards and all other applicable child product safety regulations. According to this test, domestic manufacturers (or importers) of bed headrests must issue children's product certificates, detailing each applicable rule and indicating that the product complies with these rules.

5. Product and outer packaging label requirements: Durable infant and toddler products such as bedside beds must have specific label information permanently marked on the product and packaging, including tracking labels. In addition, durable infant and toddler products require additional product markings and a product registration card attached to the product. This chart summarizes the specific labeling and registration requirements that durable infant and toddler products must meet.

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