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EU REACH testing project for footwear exports

Date:2023-10-07 11:15:12 Classification :【question】 Visits:
Chemicals that may be used in footwear products include but are not limited to: adhesives, dyes, coatings, plastic additives, etc. These chemicals may release harmful substances during use, posing potential hazards to human health and the environment. Therefore, the EU REACH regulation requires the evaluation and management of these chemicals to ensure their safe use.

1、 The EU REACH testing projects for footwear mainly include the following aspects:

1. Physical testing: whole shoe testing, fabric testing, sole testing, and accessory testing.

2. Chemical testing: Inorganic chemical testing includes pH value, extractable heavy metals, hexavalent chromium, inorganic formaldehyde, nickel release, etc; Organic chemistry testing includes prohibited azo dyes, ortho benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, short chain medium chain chlorinated paraffins, alkylphenols and alkylphenol compounds, carcinogenic sensitized disperse dyes, chlorinated phenols, flame retardants, organochlorine carriers, volatile organic compounds, etc.

3. SVHC High Concern Substance Testing: Testing for SVHC substances specified in Appendix XVII of the REACH regulation.

4. Restricted substance testing: Testing for restricted substances specified in Appendix XVII of the REACH regulation.

5. Persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substance (PBT/vPvB) assessment: An assessment is conducted on chemicals to determine whether they are persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic.

6. Chemical Safety Assessment Report (CSR): A comprehensive assessment of chemicals, including physical and chemical properties, toxicological data, ecotoxicological data, etc., to determine their safety.

7. Preparation of registration dossiers: According to REACH regulations, prepare and submit registration dossiers for chemicals, including safety information, use classification, exposure scenarios, etc.

2、 The REACH testing and certification process for footwear is as follows:

1. Consult testing personnel to provide product related information.

2. Quotation evaluation of testing costs and time.

3. Fill out the application form, sign back the contract, and send the sample via courier.

4. The laboratory tests the samples.

5. After passing the test, issue a REACH report.

6. Send REACH certification reports, invoices, etc.

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