On December 16, 2024, the ECHA Member State Committee (MSC) agreed to add 6 substances to the SVHC list, and plans to officially add these 6 substances to the SVHC list by ECHA in January 2025.
▋6 items of substance details
▋About SVHC
SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) is a term in the EU REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) regulations, which means "substances of very high concern". These substances are considered to have serious or irreversible effects on human health or the environment, or may cause unacceptable long-term effects on human health or the environment.
REACH regulations require manufacturers and importers to make corresponding notifications when using SVHCs in their products if the concentration exceeds 0.1% (weight ratio) and the total weight of the substance produced on the EU market exceeds 1 ton per year. According to the European Union's Waste Framework Directive (WFD)-Directive 2008/98/EC, items containing more than 0.1% SVHC substances need to complete SCIP notification.