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What is the specific process for EU RoHS testing of microwave ovens?

Date:2024-09-20 09:54:16 Classification :【question】 Visits:
As a type of household appliance, microwave ovens do need to undergo EU RoHS testing. RoHS, the "Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances" directive, is a mandatory standard established by EU legislation to restrict hazardous substances in electronic and electrical products to reduce the impact of these substances on the environment and human health.

The specific process of EU RoHS testing usually includes the following steps:

1. Apply for RoHS testing: Manufacturers or importers need to submit a RoHS testing application to a qualified third-party testing agency and provide relevant product information and application forms.

2. Quotation and payment: The testing agency makes a quotation based on the information provided, and the applicant makes payment after confirming the quotation.

3. Sample preparation and mailing: The applicant needs to prepare a certain number of product samples and mail them to the testing agency for testing.

4. Product testing: The testing agency tests the samples to analyze whether the content of harmful substances in the product meets the limits specified by the RoHS directive.

5. Test results: After the test is completed, the testing agency will issue a test report. If the product complies with the requirements of the RoHS directive, the manufacturer can obtain a RoHS compliance report and certificate.

6. Follow-up actions: If the product fails the test, the manufacturer needs to find alternative materials or improve the production process to ensure that the product meets the standards.

7. Labeling and sales: Products that pass RoHS testing can be labeled with the CE mark and sold in the EU market.

It should be noted that the hazardous substances restricted by the RoHS Directive include lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). The use of these substances in electronic and electrical products is strictly restricted.

The above information is a combination of multiple sources, including the detailed process provided by DeZewei, as well as the general steps and requirements for RoHS testing.

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