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What is EU UFI registration?

Date:2024-09-19 14:35:32 Classification :【question】 Visits:
What is EU UFI registration?

UFI Registration of Mixtures: New Requirements under the EU CLP Regulation With the update of the EU CLP Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008), member states need to designate one or more agencies responsible for receiving the information provided by importers and downstream users of mixtures. information. Among them, UFI (UNIQUE FORMULA IDENTIFIER) registration has become the focus of attention. From January 1, 2021, mixtures placed on the EU market for consumer use will need to submit a UFI to ensure product safety and compliance.


1. Definition of UFI registration

UFI is the Unique Recipe Identifier for a Blend, a unique alphanumeric code used to link submitted recipe information to a specific blend. Through UFI registration, importers and downstream users can ensure that the mixtures they sell comply with EU safety standards and meet the requirements of the CLP regulations.

2. Mixtures that need to submit UFI

According to the EU CLP regulations, "mixtures for consumer use" placed on the EU market need to submit a UFI. These mixtures include mixtures intended for consumer use alone, as well as mixtures mixed with "mixtures intended for consumer use that comply with the requirements of Article 45 of the EU CLP Regulation". This means that almost all direct-to-consumer mixtures require UFI registration.

3. Relevant regulations for submitting UFI

1. Submissions should be made in the official language of the Member State in which the mixture is sold, unless otherwise specified by the Member State concerned. This ensures that the information is readable and understandable, allowing both regulators and consumers to obtain accurate information about the product.

2. The intended use of the mixture shall be described in accordance with the harmonized product classification system provided by the Authority. This regulation helps to better understand the nature and potential risks of the product, leading to the development of more effective prevention and treatment measures.

3. Submission updates should be made immediately when the conditions specified in Section 4.1 of COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2020/1677 of 31 August 2020 Part B are met. This ensures that regulators have timely and up-to-date information on mixtures so they can take action where necessary.

4. The submitter may choose to print or affix the UFI on the inner packaging rather than including the UFI in the supplementary information on the label. This flexibility allows submitters to choose the most appropriate way to present their UFI based on their needs, while ensuring that consumers and regulators have easy access to relevant information.

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