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What does REACH detect?

Date:2022-10-11 09:37:39 Classification :【question】 Visits:

REACH is mainly the EU regulatory system for the registration, licensing and restriction of chemicals. At present, REACH testing has been updated to 224 items (European Chemical Administration (ECHA) will add the list of substances of high concern (SVHC) every year), with the purpose that products do not contain chemicals harmful to human health. What does REACH test mainly detect? DeZewe professional chemical testing organization provides detailed information on the main testing contents of REACH testing!

What does REACH detect?

REACH testing mainly tests whether there are substances of high concern (SVHC). (Note: SVHC is a substance of high concern, and the candidate list in Annex XIV of REACH Regulation is the SVHC list.) Detect whether the percentage content of various chemicals in the product meets the REACH standard and is harmful to human body, as follows:

1. Substances with carcinogenic, teratogenic and reproductive toxicity (CMR);

2. Substances with persistent cumulative toxicity (PBT) or high persistent cumulative toxicity (vPvB);

3. Judging from the specific situation, there is scientific evidence that substances may cause serious harm to human health or the environment (such as endocrine disorders).

Warm reminder: It must pass the registration, inspection and approval of the content of harmful chemicals. Once the content exceeds the specified value, it cannot be sold on the EU market.

REACH content

The REACH test shall not exceed 0.1% for each substance, and:

1. It contains substances intended to be released, and the annual export volume of such substances is more than 1 ton, so registration is required.

2. It does not contain intentionally released substances, but contains substances of high concern (i.e. SVHC), the content is less than 0.1%, so it is unnecessary to report and actively transmit information, but if the importer or consumer requires to provide relevant information;

3. It does not contain intentionally released substances, contains SVHC, and the content is greater than 0.1%. At the same time, the annual export volume is less than 1 ton. The downstream importer must be informed and the relevant information must be transferred, and the relevant documentation must be issued. The ECHA must be notified;

4. At the request of consumers, all suppliers of the articles shall provide consumers with sufficient information available to them within 45 days of receiving the request, so as to ensure the safe use of the articles. This information includes at least the name of the substance.

Remind again: The European Union strictly implements REACH regulations for products circulating in China, and must fulfill all obligations of REACH regulations before they can be legally produced and sold. Countries have taken regulatory and punitive measures against REACH regulations. EU customs can review REACH compliance. If they violate REACH regulations, they will face product recalls, fines and even imprisonment.

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