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Which products are controlled by REACH regulations? What is the purpose of REACH

Date:2023-01-04 15:54:51 Classification :【question】 Visits:
Which products are controlled by REACH regulations? What is the purpose of REACH test?

1、 Which products are controlled by REACH regulations?



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2、 Which substances are controlled by REACH regulations

The number of substances controlled by REACH is quite large. For example, there are 223 substances highly concerned by SVHC and 71 substances in Appendix 17. These controlled substances include some heavy metals, o-benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, etc.

If the content of any substance in SVHC is more than 0.1% and the annual export volume is more than 1 ton, it is necessary to report to ECHA; If the content is more than 0.1% and the annual export volume is less than 1 ton, relevant information needs to be transmitted to consumers.

*In order to avoid troubles, manufacturers usually take SVHC content<0.1% as their material control requirements.

3、 Relationship among SVHC, ANNEX XIV and ANNEX XVII

SVHC Substances of High Concern

SVHC is the abbreviation of Substances of Very High Concern. Its Chinese name is substance of high concern.

SVHC generally has one or more of the following characteristics:

Substances with Class 1 or Class 2 carcinogenicity, mutagenicity or reproductive toxicity, namely CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic or Toxic for Reproduction) Class 1A/1B substances;

Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances, namely PBT (Substances that are potentially Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic) substances;

Substances that are potentially Very Persistent and Very Bioaccumulative;

There is scientific evidence indicating that there are substances with the same hazard as the above: substances with endocrine disrupting, or with persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity, or with high persistence, high bioaccumulation but not PBT and vPvB, and there is scientific evidence indicating that there will be serious impact on human beings or the environment, namely the so-called substances of equal concern.

ANNEX XIV Annex 14

The substances in ANNEX XIV (Appendix 14) are called authorized substances, which refer to substances that can only be put on the market and used with official authorization. The substances in Annex 14 are selected from SVHC substances and officially authorized. Therefore, the list in Annex 14 is called the list of authorized substances and the list of SVHC is officially called the list of candidate substances.


The substances in ANNEX XVII (Appendix 17) are called restricted substances, which refer to substances that are restricted in use in products. Restricted substances mainly refer to those substances that will cause unacceptable risks to human health or the environment.

4、 What is the purpose of conducting REACH test?

① Provide a high degree of protection for human health and the environment from the use of chemicals;

② People who bring chemicals to the market (manufacturers and importers are responsible for understanding and managing the risks associated with their use);

③ Allow free flow of substances on the EU market;

④ Strengthen the innovation and competitiveness of EU chemical industry;

⑤ Promote the use of alternative methods to assess the hazardous properties of substances;

⑥ Scope and exemption: REACH applies to the substances produced or imported into the EU every year, with a quantity of 1 ton or more. Generally, it applies to all individual chemical substances themselves, preparations or articles (if the substances are released under normal and reasonably foreseeable conditions of use of articles).

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