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What does the US e-cigarette certification program include?

Date:2023-03-20 09:34:46 Classification :【question】 Visits:
Electronic cigarette testing in the United States includes testing items such as nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerol, nitrosamines, diethylene glycol, phthalates, 2,3-butanedione, total lead, and soluble heavy metals. What does the US e-cigarette certification program include? The electronic cigarette certification projects are as follows:

1、 Normal Test for E-liquid

Propylene Glycol/Vegetable Glycerin

Detection method: Determination of propylene glycol and glycerol in electronic cigarette oil (C-F&C-1420-TP);

1.2. Nicotine

Detection method: Determination of nicotine content in electronic tobacco oil (C-F&C-1419-TPNicotine free);

1.3. Diethylene glycol

Detection method: determination of diethylene glycol content in electronic cigarette oil (C-F&C-1417-TP);

1.4. Nitrosamines

Test method: Phthalate esters in electronic cigarette oil. Determination of nitrosamine content (C-F&C-1418-TP);

1.5. Diacetyl (2,3-butanedione)

Determination of 2,3-butanedione in electronic cigarette oil (C-F&C-1421-TP);

1.6. Phthalates (17m)

Phthalate esters in electronic cigarette oil. Determination of nitrosamine content (C-F&C-1418-TP);

1.7. Heavy metal (As, Pb, Hg, Cr, Ni, Cdetc)

Determination of soluble heavy metal content in electronic tobacco oil (C-F&C-1423-TP).

All testing methods are certified by CNAS.

2、 Normal Test Item for E-Cigarette

2.1. WholeProduct


Material contact with mouth and E-liquids


3、 Electronic Smoke Test E-cigaretteVaporTestItem

3.1. Nicotine

Test standard: GB/T23355-2009

3.2. PG and VG impurities (ethylene glycol), diethylene glycol)

Test standard: GB/T23355-2009

Carbonyls (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, crotonaldehyde)

Test standard: YC/T254-2008

3.4. Nitrosamine (NNN, N-nitroso nornicotine). NNK, 1 - (3-pyridyl) - 1, butanone TSNA (NNN. NNK)

Detection standard: LC-MS/MSmethod

3.5. Trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, As)

Test standard: YC/T379-2010

3.6. VOC (benzene, toluene, 1,3-butadiene, and their homologous foreign matter)

Test standard: GB/T27523-2011

3.7. Total particulate matter

Test standard: YC/T29-1996

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