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Mandatory Implementation of EU SDS Regulations in 2023

Date:2023-04-17 10:03:30 Classification :【question】 Visits:
The EU SDS regulation will be enforced in 2023. On June 26, 2020, the Official Journal of European Union L 203/28 issued a revised document to Annex II of the REACH regulation (COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2020/878), which officially took effect on January 1, 2021. This document proposes a series of revision requirements for the content and format of the EU version of SDS. Considering that the update of SDS requires time, the new regulations provide a two-year transition period and will be enforced from January 1, 2023. Enterprises with export related business to the European Union need to complete the SDS update in advance.

Main Revision Content

SDS Part 1

If a mixture is assigned a Formula Unique Identification (UFI) in accordance with Part A of Annex VIII of the CLP regulation, and the product is not packaged or used on site at the factory, the UFI code information of the mixture needs to be reflected in Part 1.1 of the SDS.

SDS Part 2

In section 2.3 of SDS, "Other hazards", an explanation has been added on whether the substance has endocrine disruptors, including the following two aspects:

Is the substance included in the REACH regulation Annex XIV authorization list because it belongs to endocrine disruptors

Does the substance meet the criteria for determining endocrine disruptors determined by (EU) 2017/2100 or (EU) 2018/605

SDS Part 3

The display content of component information related to substances or mixtures in Part 3 needs to be added, mainly consisting of two parts: pure substances and mixtures:

Pure substance: If there is a known substance's SCL (specific concentration limit), M-factor, and estimated acute toxicity, it needs to be presented in Part 3. This type of information can be found in the Unified Classification List in Annex VI, Part 3 of the EU CLP Regulation, or determined according to Annex 1 of the CLP Regulation.

Mixtures: When preparing SDS for mixtures, the following three information display requirements have been added:

1. The mixture as a whole is classified according to CLP regulations and has physical or health or environmental hazard;

2. The mixture is classified as a whole according to CLP regulations, and there is no physical or health or environmental hazard;

3. The new display requirements for pure substances also apply to the components in the mixture;

SDS Part 9

This section is about the physical and chemical properties of chemicals. This revision incorporates the technical content of the 7th revised version of the United Nations GHS, and has revised and added the displayed physical and chemical parameters, as follows:

1. Modify the original "Appearance" to "physical state"

2. Change the original "viscosity" to "kinematic viscosity"

3. Add "Color" and "Particle characteristics"

SDS Parts 11 and 12

In the "Other Hazards" section of these two sections, a description of "endocrine disruptor information" has been added. If the substance belongs to endocrine disruptors, this section should describe the specific health and environmental hazard arising therefrom in detail.

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