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What is a baby rocking chair? What additional requirements does CPSIA have for b

Date:2023-06-07 10:09:30 Classification :【question】 Visits:
What is a baby rocking chair?

The 'Baby Bounce Seat' is a 'freestanding product designed to support passengers in a reclined position with the help of caregivers or other means to facilitate passenger bouncing'. The baby rocking chair is suitable for infants who have not yet developed the ability to sit up independently (approximately 0 to 6 months old).

The baby rocking chairs within the scope of this standard include various designed products, including seats that can support children in a tilted position and have adjustable seat backs. Some baby rocking chairs may also have an auxiliary rod that children can reach.

What additional requirements does CPSIA have for baby rocking chairs?

The baby rocking chair needs to meet CPSIA's requirements for surface coating, lead, testing and certification, registration cards, and tracking labels.

1. Surface coating restrictions: Bounce seats must not be coated with paint with a lead content exceeding 90 ppm (0.009%).

2. Lead content limit: The total lead content of the bouncing seat in any accessible component shall not exceed 100 ppm (0.01%).

3. Testing and Certification: Like all products primarily designed or intended for use by children aged 12 or below, bounce seats must be tested by a third-party laboratory recognized by CPSC to ensure compliance with bounce seat standards and all other applicable child product safety regulations. According to this test, domestic manufacturers (or importers) of baby rocking chairs must issue children's product certificates, detailing each applicable rule and indicating that the product complies with these rules.

4. Product and outer packaging labeling requirements: Durable infant and toddler products (such as baby rocking chairs) must be permanently labeled with specific labeling information, including tracking labels, on the product and packaging.

5. Product registration card requirements: In addition, durable infant and toddler products require additional product markings and a product registration card attached to the product. This chart summarizes the specific labeling and registration requirements that durable infant and toddler products must meet.

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