The European Commission has requested ECHA to develop REACH restriction proposals for certain chromium (VI) substances in the currently highly concerned substance authorization list.
Ireland has raised the price of 20 cigarettes per pack by 0.75 euros ($0.80) and announced a new tax on e-cigarette products next year. Other tobacco products will increase proportionally.
The Latvian government has revised the Consumption Tax Law to gradually increase the consumption tax on electronic cigarette oil and other next-generation tobacco products.
According to the latest analysis by ECigIntelligence, disposable e-cigarettes account for nearly 40% of the e-cigarette industry. After experiencing its initial prosperity in the United States.
A phone case is a peripheral accessory commonly used to protect the phone from scratches left by hard objects on the screen or body. What testing items are required for the California 65 phone case?
Air fryer is a machine that can use air for "frying". What materials are tested for food contact materials by the FDA in the United States?
A mug is a large handle cup, usually made of ceramic or plastic material, and also made of glass or metal. What tests are required for exporting mugs to the European Union?
On September 27, 2023, the European Commission approved and issued Regulation (EU) 2023/2055 to restrict the use of synthetic polymer microparticles ("microplastics") for various purposes, except for exemptions.
The internet carrot knife is a colorful imitation toy made of plastic, also known as a "gravity carrot knife" due to its similar appearance to carrots. What items does Amazon CPC need to test for the internet carrot knife?
A dental grinder is a baby product used in the oral cavity, mainly used to alleviate discomfort during teething. The export of dental grinders to the United States requires compliance with the ASTM F963 standard。