On February 17, 2023, the European Chemicals Administration (ECHA) announced the public review of two SVHC candidate lists of intended substances. The review period will end on April 3, 2023. Substances that may have serious and usually irreversible effects on human health and the environment can be identified as substances of high concern (SVHC). If a substance is identified as SVHC, it will be added to the candidate list for final inclusion in the authorization list.
At the request of the European Commission, Member States or the European Chemical Administration (ECHA) may prepare a dossier according to the requirements specified in Annex XV of REACH, proposing to identify a substance as SVHC.
The two substances are as follows:
SVHC identification is based on the hazard characteristics of the substance.
1. Identification of the substance (i.e. substance name/EC number/CAS number/molecular structure, etc.)
2. PBT or vPvB features and features that attract equal attention.
The SVHC proposal based on the Harmonized Classification and Labelling (CLH) included in the CLP regulations cannot be questioned in the SVHC identification process.