The EU ECHA has released two new SVHC candidate lists, which have now increased
Date:2023-06-16 10:44:47 Classification
:【Statute】 Visits:
The EU ECHA High Concern Substance Candidate List now contains 235 entries for chemicals that may pose a threat to humans or the environment. The company is responsible for managing the risks of these chemicals and providing customers and consumers with information about their safe use.
Helsinki, June 14, 2023- ECHA has added two new chemicals to the candidate list. One is toxic to reproduction, and the other is very persistent and very Bioaccumulation. For example, they are used in the production of ink and toner, as well as plastic products.
Entries added to the candidate list on June 14, 2023:
The candidate list now has 235 entries - some of which are chemical groups, resulting in a higher total number of affected chemicals.
These substances may be included in the authorization list in the future. If a substance is on this list, its use will be prohibited unless the company applies for authorization and the European Commission authorizes them to continue using it.
Consequences of Candidate List
According to REACH, when a company's substance is included in the candidate list, the company has a legal obligation - whether it is alone, in a mixture, or in an item.
Suppliers of items with a candidate list substance content exceeding 0.1% by weight must provide information to their customers and consumers in order to safely use them. Consumers have the right to inquire with suppliers whether the products they purchase contain substances of high concern.
If the item contains candidate list substances, the importer and producer of the item must notify ECHA within six months of its listing date (June 14, 2023). Suppliers of substances on the candidate list, whether supplied individually or in the form of mixtures, must provide their customers with Safety data sheet.
According to the Waste Framework Directive, if the company produces items containing substances of high concern with a concentration exceeding 0.1% by weight, the company must also notify ECHA. This notice is published in the Substances of Concern Database (SCIP) of ECHA's products.
Solution to REACH regulations
1. REACH-SVHC candidate substance list testing;
2. REACH Regulation Appendix 17 Substance List Test;
3. Interpretation of REACH regulations and training on supply chain systems;
4. Assist clients in completing SCIP data reporting;
5. Assist clients in completing SVHC tonnage reporting;
6. Assist the customer in completing the REACH compliance statement.