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What are the California 65 testing items for wallpaper?

Date:2024-06-07 10:42:42 Classification :【question】 Visits:
Wallpaper needs to undergo California 65 testing and CA65 certification, which is a warning requirement issued by California in the United States regarding the effects of chemicals and their ingredients on public health and the environment. According to this requirement, if a product contains chemicals that are deemed carcinogenic, reproductively toxic, or otherwise harmful to health by the California government, a clear warning must be placed on the product packaging or label.

Wallpaper California 65 testing items:

1. Heavy metal content test:

Total Lead Content: Test the lead content on accessible parts of the wallpaper surface to ensure it complies with California 65 regulations for lead. According to California Regulation 65, the lead content in wallpaper should be below a certain threshold to avoid potential harm to human health.

Other heavy metals: such as cadmium, mercury, etc. may also be used in the production process of wallpaper. These heavy metals also need to be tested to ensure that their content in the wallpaper does not exceed the safety level specified by regulations.

2. Phthalate content test:

Phthalates (such as DEHP, BBP, DBP, DIDP, etc.) are common plasticizers that may be used in the production process of wallpaper to increase its flexibility and durability. However, these substances may have potential effects on human health and therefore require testing to ensure that their levels are within regulatory limits.

3. Formaldehyde content test:

Formaldehyde is a common volatile organic compound that may be present in the production process of wallpaper or used as some additives. California 65 regulations have strict limits on formaldehyde content, so the formaldehyde content in wallpaper needs to be tested.

4. Testing of flame retardants and other harmful chemicals:

Flame retardants and other harmful chemicals that may be used in wallpaper also need to be tested to ensure that their levels comply with California 65 regulations. These chemicals may have potential effects on human health and therefore require strict testing and control.

5. Warning label requirements for specific substances:

If the content of any substance in wallpaper exceeds the threshold specified by California Regulation 65, the manufacturer or importer is required to provide clear warning information on the product packaging or label to inform consumers of the possible health risks.

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