European Union CLP-PCN-UFI application process
Date:2024-10-21 10:25:52 Classification
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The EU UFI (Unique Formula Identifier, unique formula identifier) application process mainly includes the following steps:
1. Determine the scope that needs to generate UFI: Confirm whether your product falls within the scope that needs to generate UFI, mainly those hazardous substances and mixtures subject to CLP regulations.
2. Prepare relevant information: including submitter information (company name, address, phone number, email, VAT number, etc.), product information (destination country, product name put on the market, direct use, downstream user end use, packaging type and size, etc. ), mixture information (name, physical state, color, pH, 100% components, classification and labeling information, toxicological information, etc.).
3. Create UFI number: UFI can be generated online and assigned to the product. There are two ways to generate UFI:
- Generate using the VAT number of the EU business.
- If the company does not have a VAT number, you can choose the option to create a UFI without a VAT number, and just enter any number between 0-268435455 to generate it randomly.
4. Information adjustment: The information in the SDS may not be suitable for direct PCN notification. Companies need to prepare more precise information to pass the ECHA submission portal review.
5. Preparation and submission of notification dossier: ECHA has established a unified Poison Center Notification (PCN) format for submitting the required information to poison centers. Enterprises can prepare and export the corresponding IUCLID format dossier online, and finally submit it through the ECHA Poison Center Notification Portal (PCN portal).
6. Update notifications when product information changes: If product information changes, companies are obliged to update notifications in a timely manner.
7. Display UFI: After the enterprise obtains a valid UFI, it must display it on the label. It is required to print or affix the UFI on the label or internal packaging, close to other label elements, but not necessarily in the label. There are no regulations on the color and font size of UFI, as long as it is clearly visible, legible and indelible.
Please note that the generation and notification of UFI is a detailed and complex process that may require professional legal and technical guidance. If you need further help, you can contact the professional Dezewe third-party agency for consultation and assistance.