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What specific items are included in the German LFGB testing standards for childr

Date:2024-11-01 10:58:50 Classification :【question】 Visits:
As a product in direct contact with food, children's cups do need to undergo LFGB testing before entering the German market for sale. The LFGB testing standards for children’s cups specifically include the following items:

1. Initial inspection of samples and materials: Conduct a preliminary inspection of cup samples and their raw materials, including material type, composition, production process, etc.

2. Sensory evaluation of odor and taste transfer (sensory test): Evaluate whether the cup will produce bad odor or taste during use to ensure that it will not have an adverse effect on food.

3. Heavy metal detection: Detect the content of heavy metal elements (such as lead, cadmium, chromium, etc.) that may be contained in the cup, and evaluate their migration under specific conditions.

4. Migration test: Place cup samples under different conditions and perform migration tests using appropriate simulated liquids to evaluate the quality of substances in the cup that may migrate into food.

5. Physical performance testing: Test the physical properties of the cup, such as density, hardness, resistance to falling, pressure resistance, etc., to ensure that it is not easily broken or deformed during normal use.

6. Chemical performance testing: Depending on the material and use of the cup, it may be necessary to test the migration of other specific chemical substances, such as plasticizers, bisphenol A, etc. (for plastic cups).

7. pH test: Test the pH value of the cup to evaluate its impact on the pH of food.

8. Antioxidant performance evaluation: Evaluate whether the cup has sufficient antioxidant properties when in contact with food.

9. Solubility test: Test the solubility of the cup in a specific solvent to evaluate its stability.

These test items cover multiple aspects of material composition, harmful substance content, migration testing, and physical and chemical properties to ensure that children's cups will not cause food contamination during use and protect the health and safety of consumers.

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