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What are the requirements for CPC crib mattresses in the United States?

Date:2023-05-09 10:35:32 Classification :【question】 Visits:
What are the requirements for CPC crib mattresses in the United States? Manufacturers and importers of baby cribs must conduct compliance testing on their child product certificates in a third-party laboratory recognized by CPSC, and ensure that the cribs comply with the standards and additional requirements.

The full size crib standard does not include crib mattresses. However, crib mattresses must meet the following flammability testing requirements for mattresses: 16 CFR Part 1632 and 16 CFR Part 1633 In addition, there is a voluntary standard for crib mattresses, ASTM F2933

In addition, crib mattresses are classified as child care products that help children under 3 years old sleep; Therefore, they are subject to certain phthalate limitations and require testing and certification in accordance with 15 USC § 2057c for plastic components of crib mattresses. For more information on phthalate requirements, please refer to our phthalate guide page In addition, the lead content and lead surface coating of the crib mattress are also limited by 100 ppm and 90 ppm, respectively.

Crib mattresses, including those sold separately from full-size cribs, are additional children's items that require permanent tracking information on the mattress and its packaging, including

(1) Manufacturer's name or private label

(2) Manufacturing location and date

(3) Detailed information about the manufacturing process, such as batch or run number

(4) Other information that helps determine the specific source of the product.

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