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What are the certification and testing items for electronic cigarettes?

Date:2023-05-16 09:33:03 Classification :【question】 Visits:
At the International Symposium on Safety Standards for Lithium Ion Batteries in Consumer Products, CPSC experts publicly announced that UL8139 is the only recommended standard for electronic cigarette products entering the US market. The sales threshold for obtaining access to the US market has become very important. What are the certification and testing programs for electronic cigarettes?

The electronic cigarette certification projects are as follows:

1、 NormalTestltemforE-liquid for electronic cigarette oil detection

1.1. Propylene Glycol/Vegetableglycerin

Detection method: Determination of propylene glycol and glycerol content in electronic cigarette oil (C-F&C-1420-TP);

1.2. Nicotine

Detection method: Determination of nicotine content in electronic cigarette oil (C-F&C-1419-TPNicotine free);

1.3. Diethylene glycol

Detection method: Determination of diethylene glycol content in electronic cigarette oil (C-F&C-1417-TP);

1.4. Nitrosamines

Test method: Phthalate esters in electronic cigarette oil. Determination of nitrosamine content (C-F&C-1418-TP);

1.5. Diacetyl (2,3-butanedione)

Determination of 2,3-butanedione content in electronic cigarette oil (C-F&C-1421-TP);

1.6. Phthalates (17m)

Phthalate esters in electronic cigarette oil. Determination of nitrosamine content (C-F&C-1418-TP);

1.7. Heavy metals (As, Pb, Hg, Cr, Ni, Cdetc)

Determination of soluble heavy metal content in electronic cigarette oil (C-F&C-1423-TP).

All testing methods are certified and recognized by CNAS.

2、 Routine testing of electronic cigarette products NormalTestItem for E-cigarette

2.1. WholeProduct


2.2. Materials in contact with electronic cigarette oil and mouth contact materials


3、 Electronic Smoke Test E-cigaretteVaporTestItem

3.1. Nicotine

Testing standard: GB/T23355-2009

3.2. PG and VG impurities (ethylene glycol), diethylene glycol)

Testing standard: GB/T23355-2009

3.3. Carbonyls (formadehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, crotonaldehyde)

Testing standard: YC/T254-2008

3.4. Nitrosamine (NNN, N-nitroso nornicotine). NNK, 1- (3-pyridyl) -1, butanone TSNA (NNN. NNK)

Detection standard: LC-MS/MSmethod

3.5. Heavy metal Tracemetals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, As)

Testing standard: YC/T379-2010

3.6. VOC (benzene, toluene, 1,3-butadiene and their homologous foreign substances)

Testing standard: GB/T27523-2011

3.7. Total particulate matter

Testing standard: YC/T29-1996

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