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Plastic Material Italian DM Food Contact Material Testing Project

Date:2023-07-21 10:55:08 Classification :【question】 Visits:
The testing project for DM food contact materials made of plastic materials in Italy is applicable to materials in contact with food according to Italian Law No. 21373. Act No. 777 of 1982, including Ministerial Decree No. 21373 and subsequent updates, serves as a statutory requirement for materials in contact with food.

The Italian food grade requirements applicable to plastic materials comply with the requirements of EU Directive 2002/72/ec. In addition, the law also has requirements from some countries, such as rubber, silicon, glass, and stainless steel, which are outside the scope of EU laws, but are specifically required by Italian laws.

Italy has developed a list of approved stainless steel materials: the listed stainless steel materials are only used for the purpose of contact with food, so that the materials must meet purity standards and pass food contact testing, meeting the listed requirements DM 21373

Italian regulations for food contact materials:

Plastic DM 21/3/73&Amendment Regulations

Ceramic DM 4/4/1985&84/500/EEC

Tin DM 18/2/1984. DM no. 243 of 01/6/1988

Stainless steel, carbon steel, cast iron DM 21/3/73&modification regulations

Rubber DM 8/2/1995&93/11/EC

Italian food contact material testing project:

Full migration of deionized water leaching method, full migration of 3% acetic acid leaching method, full migration of 10% alcohol leaching method, full migration of olive oil or olive oil substitutes (95% ethanol and isooctane) leaching method, full migration test, full migration of 3% acetic acid, soluble heavy metal nickel and chromium, extractable heavy metal (84/500/EEC), cup edge test, full migration in water, lead extraction test (only for Class C glass containing lead) Color migration in water, color migration in 3% acetic acid, color migration in 10% ethanol, and component analysis;

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