Ireland Announces Electronic Cigarette Tax and Raises Cigarette Costs
Date:2023-10-12 10:40:25 Classification
:【Statute】 Visits:
According to the Irish Times, Ireland has raised the price of 20 cigarettes per pack by 0.75 euros ($0.80) and announced a new tax on e-cigarette products next year. Other tobacco products will increase proportionally.
Finance Minister Michael McGrath stated that this move "supports public health policies to reduce smoking levels in Irish society".
Given the public health interests, tobacco product tax directives, and the ongoing delay in the government's commitment to revise the tax plan for e-cigarettes and e-cigarettes, I suggest imposing domestic taxes on these products [e-cigarettes and e-cigarettes]. e-cigarette products will be included in next year's budget, "McGrath said.
He said that the Ministry of Finance and Revenue needs to carry out "extensive preparatory work" to draft basic legislation.
Chris Macey, Director of Ireland's Heart Propaganda, said: "Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on Earth, and the emergence of disposable e-cigarettes further exacerbates the surge in young people's use of e-cigarettes. We can't wait too long to collect this tax
The Irish Heart Foundation last week called on the Minister of Finance to impose a tax of 0.10 euros per milliliter on e-cigarettes.
The rights organization for smokers warns against unexpected consequences. Irish Forest spokesperson John Mallon said: "The annual tobacco tax hike is punishing consumers with completely legal habits." "It not only discriminates against low-income consumers, but also encourages more smokers to enter the black market." Mallon said that smokers are "not worth" increasing consumption taxes.
He said, "Legitimate retailers will lose their business to criminal gangs, and smokers who comply with the law will face further punishment compared to those who purchase tobacco from illegal merchants, which is understandable