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Packaging information requirements for electronic cigarettes in Russia

Date:2023-03-27 10:30:47 Classification :【question】 Visits:
The packaging information requirements for electronic cigarettes in Russia, the standard GOST R 58109-2018 formulated by Russia, a member country of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), have been adopted as the technical specification for electronic cigarette products in August of this year by the Union's draft Technical Regulations on Nicotine Containing Products. The standard GOST R 58109-2018 formulated by Russia, a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), has been adopted as the technical specification for electronic cigarette products by the draft Union Technical Regulations on Nicotine Containing Products in August this year.

Basic packaging requirements for electronic cigarettes in Russia

A. ESDN liquid is subcontracted, bottled, or directly pre filled into electronic cigarette appliances by the manufacturer in an industrial manner;

B. The liquid storage bottle should comply with the requirements of GOST ISO 8317 to ensure that children are prevented from opening without obstacles;

C. Partial packaging, liquid storage bottles, and electronic cigarettes filled with ESDN liquid in an industrial manner should ensure no leakage of liquid;

The manufacturer shall determine a list of possible visual defects and evaluation methods for sub packaging, storage bottles, and consumer packaging.

Requirements for packaging materials for electronic cigarettes in Russia

Batch packaging, bottles, and consumer packaging of products should be used

A. Carton labels conforming to GOST 7933;

B. Cartons, paper, and composite materials conforming to GOST 33781;

C. Flat cardboard for packaging in accordance with GOST 9421;

D. Packaging paper conforming to GOST 8273;

E. Polymer film conforming to GOST 26996;

F. Polymer consumer packaging conforming to GOST 33756;

To ensure product safety, other packaging materials, including imported packaging materials, are also allowed to be used.

Consumer Packaging Requirements for Electronic Cigarettes in Russia

Consumer packaging for ESDN liquids should be marked

A. Product type, name, unit quantity (for batch packaged products), name and address of manufacturer, name and address of organization registered in the Russian Federation to accept consumer claims, or authorized manufacturer;

B. ESDN liquid volume (in cm3) and the content of nicotine in the liquid (in mg/cm3);

C. Description of compliance with GOST R 58109-2018;

D. Production date (month, year);

E. Signs: "Do not sell to minors", "Keep out of reach of children", etc;

F. Warning: "Nicotine addiction" (for nicotine containing liquids), written in black capital letters on a white background;

G. If the above information cannot be printed on the packaging of consumer goods, it should be included in the information leaflet in the packaging of consumer goods;

The information listed should be written in Russian, and the content of the registered trademark or design should be in the registered language.

Transport packaging requirements for electronic cigarettes in Russia

The transport packaging of ESDN liquids should be marked

A. Product type, name, manufacturer's name and address, product quantity information (for batch packaged products), and total amount of liquid contained in consumer packaging in transportation packaging;

B. Other reliable information can be attached to the transportation package;

C. Transportation packaging and accessories should be securely sealed to ensure the safety of the product during transportation and storage.

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