Can en71 be used in the UK?
Date:2023-04-04 09:26:16 Classification
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Can en71 be used in the UK? EN71 can be used in the UK. Toys exported to the UK require CE-EN71 certification, but after Brexit in the UK, UKCA certification is required, and the testing standards are consistent with the EU CE-EN71.
The European Toy Safety Requirements (EN71 series standards) are applicable to countries such as Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
How is toy UKCA certified?
Plush toys are certified as CE-EN71 (1.2.3) according to CE certification
EN71-1 Physical and Mechanical Performance Standard: 88/378/EC
EN71-2 Flammability Performance Standard: 88/378/EC
EN71-3 Eight Soluble Heavy Metals and Total Lead
If the toy is charged, EN62115 needs to be done
The main detection content of EN62115 includes: signs and instructions; Input power; Temperature rise and abnormal operation; Electrical strength; Mechanical strength; Structure; Wires, screws, and components; Creepage distance and electrical clearance; Fire and heat resistant; Toxic and similar hazards.
Toys are evaluated for compliance by a UK approved agency and must be marked with UKCA. The EU Toy Safety Directive and the UK Toy (Safety) Regulations will be revised and fully effective on January 1, 2021, with the aim of being the same as the EU Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC.