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What procedures are required for Belarusian e-cigarettes?

Date:2023-04-04 09:27:34 Classification :【question】 Visits:
What procedures are required for Belarusian e-cigarettes? Belarus requires EAC certification, certification nature: mandatory.

The EAC logo is a security certification label of the Harbin Belarus Russian Customs Union. According to the Common Guidelines and Rules on Technical Specifications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, and the Russian Federation signed by Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, the Kazakhstan Belarus Russian Customs Union legislates to issue a mandatory Customs Union TR technical regulation certificate. The Customs Union Technical Regulations certificate (CU-TR certificate) is the only proof that the product complies with the Customs Union technical regulations, This certificate is applicable throughout Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. The identification of the Customs Union CU-TR certificate is EAC, so it is also called EAC certification.

The EAC declaration and EAC certificate of conformity were introduced in 2011, so the technical regulation TR CU of the Eurasian economic union was created. EAC certification is issued by an independent EAC certification body and its laboratory, and recognized by the relevant institutions of the five members of the EAC economic union: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. Products exported to the above five countries need to obtain an EAC certification certificate before they can be freely sold and circulated in these countries. EAC certification can be divided into EAC qualification certificate and EAC compliance certificate.

In fact, the intuitive meaning is that CU-TR certification is customs alliance certification, and the standard mark of the certificate is the EAC certificate. Russia belongs to the Customs Union country, and all products within the control range entering Russia must meet the EAC certification of the Customs Union in order to obtain the EAC certificate!

The procedures and procedures required for exporting e-cigarettes to Belarus:

1. Determine whether sample testing or factory audit is required based on the certification mode;

2. Review and supplement the necessary documents for certification;

3. Issuing certificates;

4. The certificate is filed online.

5. The applicant submits a certification application;

6. According to the product situation of the applicant, the certification body shall confirm the certification mode and implementation requirements;

7. The applicant shall prepare and submit the commercial and technical documents required for certification;

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