European Chemical Administration ECHA - Labeling and Packaging Requirements
Once the hazardous characteristics of a substance or mixture are determined, it is necessary to classify them accordingly.
Manufacturers, importers, downstream users and distributors, as well as producers and importers of certain specific items, must communicate the identified hazards to other participants in the supply chain, including consumers.
This is achieved by labeling the substance or mixture according to CLP before placing it on the market, when:
The substance or mixture is classified as hazardous material.
This mixture contains one or more substances that exceed a specific threshold and are classified as hazardous substances.
This item is explosive.
CLP defines the content of tags and the organization of various tag elements. The label should be firmly affixed to one or more surfaces of the packaging and must include the following content:
Supplier's name, address, and phone number
The nominal quantity of the substance or mixture in the packaging provided to the public (unless specified elsewhere on the packaging)
Product Identifiers
When applicable, supplementary information such as hazard pictograms, signal words, hazard statements, preventive instructions, and other regulatory requirements.
CLP has established general requirements for labeling to ensure the safe use and supply of hazardous substances and mixtures. Some labeling exemptions apply to substances and mixtures that are difficult to label, such as small packages (usually less than 125 milliliters). Other examples are listed in Section 1.3 of Annex I of the CLP regulation. Exemptions allow suppliers to omit hazard and/or preventive instructions or pictograms from the label elements typically required by CLP.
The design, construction, and fastening of hazardous chemical packaging must ensure that the contents do not escape at any time. Therefore, packaging materials must be sturdy, sturdy, and resistant to damage to the contents. Replaceable fixing devices must allow for repeated re fixing without the contents escaping.
The packaging of chemicals for public use shall not arouse children's curiosity or mislead consumers. Packaging must not have a similar appearance or design to food, animal feed, or pharmaceutical or cosmetic products.
Anti child fastening and tactile warning
If the substance or mixture is provided to the public and shows certain hazards, or if the product contains methanol or dichloromethane, child protective fasteners and/or hazard tactile warnings must be used. The "Specific Labels and Packaging Situation" page provides an overview of the different hazards that trigger this obligation, and there is also a link to that page.