The EU ECHA High Concern Substance Candidate List now contains 235 entries for chemicals that may pose a threat to humans or the environment.
The proposed Debt limit budget could put pressure on the FDA's budget. Steven Grossman, the director of the stronger FDA alliance.
This seems to be an excellent test case for the new system. After playing the role of a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Tobacco Products (TPSAC) of the US Food and Drug Administration.
Legislators in Louisiana are moving towards banning the sale of flavored Electronic cigarette and other Electronic cigarette products. House Bill 179 will prohibit the sale of all flavored nicotine products except tobacco.
At the annual meeting held in Columbus, Ohio, the United States Mayor's Conference approved a resolution supporting the prohibition of all flavored tobacco products, including flavored Electronic cigarette, Menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars.
The Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) called for a ban on the use of disposable Electronic cigarette, saying that steam products are as addictive as traditional cigarettes.
According to media reports, Turkmenistan has banned the sale of e-cigarettes and other e-cigarette products. In countries where traditional tobacco products are almost completely banned, the use of e-cigarettes has increased.
New Zealand Minister of Health Ayesha Verrall will announce the government's strategy to address the issue of e-cigarettes among young people.
According to reports, Bangladesh's Minister of Finance, Mustafa Kamal, proposed a significant increase in import tariffs on e-cigarettes and their components in the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2023-2024.
Washington, D.C. - The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has warned consumers that using LVYXON, TATTCHINE, ARMYJY, PETSTIBLE, HelloPharma, Vixuiyz, and JHEUAYK brand fire extinguisher balls poses a risk of burns and smoke inhalation on Amazon.